SEO Strategic Consulting

Search Engine Optimization Consulting

We work around the clock to reverse-engineer Google Search and demystify what many purport to be a convoluted and ever-changing process. It is important to always stay on top of turbulence and the changing state of search from month to month. Whether we are working together, or you are implementing SEO changes yourself, the pilot has to stay informed or someone else in the SERPs will…

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Our SEO Consult & Web Design Services

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SEO Consulting

As SEO specialists, we spend basically every waking (business) hour studying search results. Quite early on, we determined that there was a significantly large market gap within the industry between those that sold SEO and those that actually do SEO.

On-Page Optimization
We are absolute On-Page nuts. We take an insane amount of measurements in order to direct the On-Page strategy, but ultimately we feel this is the most important aspect to SEO, as it has been in Document Retrieval for a long time.
Technical SEO
Understanding the way Googlebot innately crawls the web & how it will perceive your website based on your setup is possibly the most important aspect of SEO to understand. What are the technical implications of your Site Search function? What about your missing Trailing Slash redirect? WWW? Multi-language pages?
Googlebot must treat the architecture of the web in a fair way, but what are the outliers in your setup? This is what Technical SEO is about.
Keyword Research
It is important to asses a topical understanding of the website’s abilities & shortcomings. We approach Keyword Research a little differently than most, as of now in 2020 at least. The most important thing to understand when putting together a list of target terms for a website will rank for, is that SEO is effectively just document retrieval. Any term you want to target needs a single document built from the nameserver that is topical to that query. We feel a misstep from many SEOs is to take their ‘exact-match keywords’ a little too seriously. There are many permutations with which you can refer to a topic. When a user queries the Search Engine, Google attempts to understand this in Query Processing. So, a Keyword Research document without a assessment of the website’s document set lacks a realistic strategy behind the research.
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Web Development

It comes with the territory. From solo developers with varying skillsets to big design agencies, we believe that every project has that perfect fit for the job. We pride ourselves in making solid WordPress sites built with SEO integrated right in its foundation.

WordPress Design & Development
We work with a LOT of CMS’s in our SEO work. I’ve personally seen the positive & negative effects on a business’ bottom-line that can make-or-break a (sometimes rather small) digital marketing budget. The SEO implications of some of the odd ones, especially from a technical SEO standpoint, are really really vast. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve personally hounded some of the creators of X-industry-specific-CMS that are making massive mistakes in their technical spec, costing the small business owner huge amounts of potential revenue that would have been innate to the existence of their website.
The point is, WordPress has the highest level of collaborability right now on the internet. It’s not perfect out of the box, but with the right developer on the right project, it can be tuned to spec. Many people don’t have those capabilities because they expect the system to work out-of-the-box.
Site Architecture for Rock-Solid SEO
You know, we’re not perfect WordPress developers; in-house at least. We work with a multitude of devs that we put on the project based on need. What we are though are really, really good SEOs. If you want a pretty website, we have a designer/developer for the project, but the one thing inherent to all our builds is Rock-Solid SEO built from the architecture of the website, up.
Maintenance & Updates
Being a good SEO, especially from a Technical SEO standpoint, means being a good webmaster. The same issues that affect the webmaster affect us too. Site down? 500 errors are not bueno for Googlebot to crawl. Site slow? Page Speed is becoming more of a ranking factor in 2020. All of these considerations are already being taken into account when we deliver our SEO campaigns, so we fit right in when it comes to Maintenance & Updates. Especially if we’re already delivering on SEO, we’re already back there making various edits to the code in the site, we might as well push your content changes & updates too.

Based in the Heart of Rochester, NY

Serving SEO Clients Worldwide

Rochester will always be the birthplace of this company. It was in this small city where we learned SEO by serving many Rochester-based business’ websites small & large. In the future, I don’t see a world where Rochester, NY is not the headquarters of JSB Collaborative: The rent is low and it is very easy to travel from. In addition to that, I grew up here bartending and playing music. This place has a soul & a place in my heart.

We love Rochester & always will.


– Jeremy Bittle

How We Collaboratively Partner With Your Business

Keyword Research Discovery

First and foremost, it is important to asses a topical understanding of any website’s capabilities and shortcomings in its current state. As of now in 2020, we approach this differently than most. The important thing to note when building a list of target terms the website should rank for is that SEO is effectively just document retrieval. To leverage this basic function of organic search to the benefit of our clients, we deep dive into keyword research as a jumpoff point.

Content Publishing Strategy

In the early phases of any SEO campaign, part of the collaborative process with you and your team is to identify areas of potential opportunity and desired expansion in the digital space for your business and its products / services. Once identified, we go to work on surveying the landscape in those market areas to reveal competitive shortcomings and openings that can be filled by an intuitive content creation strategy of our collaborative development with you and your staff.

On-Page Optimization Focus

Whereas many SEOs are stuck in the yesteryear best practices of backlink building, we excel at the lost art of on-page optimization. It is our determination that this is the most pure and most long-term stable implementation of SEO for your valued asset, which is your website. We keep the work and the value “on the page” — within the website you own and control — which builds and benefits the content that is public-facing on your site; increasing equity over time.

Iterative Meeting Schedule

Rather than dumping data on our clients every month, we have found that meeting on an iterative schedule is possibly the most valuable aspect to an SEO Campaign than anything else: This becomes not only a “live” report, but quickly pivots into discussion about ‘what will we do because of that.’ This is our opportunity to actually consult, coach, and teach our clients about search & about publishing information on the web. This is truly what is most important for a brand. 


Many Websites Receive More from Organic than any other channel. Who will protect that?
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SEO Consulting

At its core, Search Engine Optimization is a consulting service.


Unfortunately Google is not our asset to control. We study information, document, and data retrieval at scale as a result.


This is effectively what it means to operate a search engine. Our studies in these fields allow us to attempt to control such a concept on behalf of brands large and small, SMBs, Corporations, Service Providers, Publishers, Bloggers, you name it–if you publish content to the web, we study how to acquire visibility by way of informational retrieval algorithms at scale.


Why is Search Engine Optimization a Consulting Service?

For many clients, we do not touch the backend of the website. Many brands and corporations have teams and systems of approval that tend to this. Small businesses often do not have these ecosystems built for website management and require us to make changes ourselves.


What we mean in the section above is that SEO is theory crafting.


With that being said, this service and concept can change with the month; our theories need to pivot based on the landscape of algorithm changes, changes in the competitive landscape, and more.


What we offer is high-level theory crafting and insight on these changes. In simplest form this comes in the delivery of consult and advice via email, phone, audits, and more. When you engage with us, we are not merely “tinkering” on the backend of your WordPress install or “updating metadata” every other week.


Due to the sheer volume and breadth of industry or business-intent in which we work, we are able to craft such theories. Ecommerce websites, local SEO / service-area type websites (roofers, plumbers, local law firms, dental practices, med spas, or doctors, etc), marketing & advertising agencies, software companies, wealth management firms, mattress sales, medical device sales, news publications, bloggers & writers, virtual reality agencies, wine & spirits brands, mezcal brands, manufacturing, warehousing, realty and real estate consulting, bars and restaurants, business consultants, ERP consulting, commercial finance, private lending, SaaS software sales, skincare & beauty brands; you name it, we’ve worked on it. The more diverse our portfolio and experience from industry to industry, the more we know about how search works.


You Will Need to Know More About Search Than You Do Now

You will need to know more about search than you do now. It’s not just up to us; we need to walk you through your website, the content on it, what it says and how it is organized in order to rank it in search:


It is truly a collaborative effort.

About Me

I’m Jeremy. I’m the nerd that built this company.

Over the past 6 years, I’ve learned a lot. First I learned how to sell this stuff & other Internet Marketing-types of services; although I’m not really much of a salesperson. Additionally, I realized the only thing anyone wanted to buy is expertise. As a salesperson in this industry, I was effectively a broker for this. Not a great foundation on which to build a business, eh? img src=”4-hr-work-week-is-over-10-years-old.jpg />
So, what’s a better way to run a business & sell what people want? Become an expert. Without realizing it, I came to the table with the tools already in hand: as a musician & a technically-minded nerd, the left-brain-right-brain cognition comes easy for me. That’s exactly what you need to be good at SEO.
Creativity is of utmost importance when you’re fabricating processes by which to affect & manipulate Search.

  • Web Development
  • Web Design
  • SEO And Social
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Years of Combined Experience across 3 Team Members

Current SEO Client Partnerships

SEO Audits & Counting